
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Well-ness Journey....Pure Cardio+ Cardio Abs..... DIG DEEPER (Day 17)

Assalamu Alaikum all my lovelies!

So today is day 17 of my Insanity program challenge!
Today I had to do 2 DVDs again! "Pure Cardio (40 minutes)" and "Cardio Abs (15 minutes)"
It was Insaaaaaane! :)

Today, I pushed myself so hard through the warmup of Pure Cardio,,,, I think I left little to no energy for the rest of the workout, haha! Sometimes watching Sean T. and the rest of the group go lightning fast inspires you to do the same..... and I may have put my body into shock, lol

The last time I had to complete these two, I did the Pure Cardio before doing the Cardio Abs. Well, that didn't work out too well for me, because after finishing Pure Cardio, I was exhausted! This made it difficult for me to make it through Cardio Abs.

Thank goodness for my facebook Insanity Support Team! A member on there told me that they do the Cardio Abs BEFORE doing the Pure Cardio........ All I can say to that is thank you :) Switching the workouts helped me out soooo much! It was still difficult doing two DVDs, but it wasn't nearly as bad as the last time!

As of right now,,,, I don't know which one is more difficult.... Pure Cardio, or the Cardio Circuit! Sometimes when I put the DVD in, I'm like "...wait, didn't I just do this yesterday?!" And then I take a closer look and see there's a difference. haha! Tomorrow is "Cardio Recovery" ........ It's the day that Sean T. goes "easy" on you.....I have to prepare for those pulses XD

Alright! Take care all my lovelies!