
Sunday, December 4, 2011

Off Day..... (Day 6).. ZZZzzzZZZ

Hello all my lovelies!
Well, today is Sunday, and I am exhausted! I've been working on this dress for the party on Monday and I'm still NOT DONE!
I've also slacked another day with my Insanity :( I feel so bad! But I will start fresh on Monday with a new outlook and hopefully more energy!
Since today is Sunday, it is my "day off" from Insanity. My workouts are only Monday through Saturday.

I've almost finished my dress! I'm a little unhappy with it, but I hope that with some adjustments, I will end up liking it more :/ I feel like I just took on a big project for a party whose date is so close (tomorrow). I only have tonight to finish it. If it's not finished, I will just go to plan B and wear my backup dress :)

I'll post pics of my finished dress sometime tonight.

Take care my lovelies!